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When to use BARRIER aperture drape

You can use aperture drapes for a variety of procedures such as ophthalmic surgery and minor surgical interventions.

How to use BARRIER aperture drape

Draping instruction for BARRIER variable adhesive drapes, sterile 706620 and 706630, Mölnlycke Procedure Tray component 970662 and 970663.

Ref. No. Size cm Pieces in Disp/Trp Box NPC Code
  Adhesive aperture drape (centered)    
708840 Adhesive Aperture Drape 120x150cm, ap. 5x7cm 16/96 VJD3187
968840 Adhesive Aperture Drape 120x150cm, ap. 5x7cm -/105 -
708850 Adhesive Aperture Drape 150x180cm, ap. 5x15cm 20/40 VJD1556
968850 Adhesive Aperture Drape 150x180cm, ap. 5x15cm -/60 -
708860 Adhesive Aperture Drape 200x240cm, ap. 12cm 17/34 VJD1557
968860 Adhesive Aperture Drape 200x240cm, ap. 12cm -/27 -
8254 Adhesive Aperture Drape 75x90cm, ap. 7cm -/540 -
906542 Adhesive Aperture Drape 75x90cm, ap. 6x8cm 40/160 VJD29
904758 Adhesive Aperture Drape 75x90cm, ap. 6x8cm -/280 -
906693 Adhesive Aperture Drape 50x60cm, ap. 6x8cm 75/300 VJD315
904737 Adhesive Aperture Drape 50x60cm, ap. 6x8cm -/900 -
980057 Adhesive Aperture Drape 200x240cm, ap. 12cm -/180 -
928603 Adhesive Aperture Drape 183x210cm, ap. incise 6cm -/27 -
969711 Adhesive Aperture Drape 200/280x350cm, ap. 11x11cm -/20 -
967640 Adhesive Aperture Drape 200x240cm, ap. 7cm -/27 -
  Adhesive Aperture Drape    
706610 Adhesive Aperture Drape 100x125cm, ap. 11cm, 45cm from top 20/120 VJD1550
956601 Adhesive Aperture Drape 100x125cm, ap. 11cm, 45cm from top -/100 -
708870 Adhesive Aperture Drape 200x280cm, ap. 15cm, 100cm from top 12/24 VJD3721
968870 Adhesive Aperture Drape 200x280cm, ap. 15cm, 100cm from top -/30 -
708880 Adhesive Aperture Drape 200x280cm, ap. 14x14cm, 124cm from top 14/28 VJD1559
968880 Adhesive Aperture Drape 200x280cm, ap. 14x14cm, 124cm from top -/25 -
935569 Adhesive Aperture Drape 120x150cm, ap. 5x7cm, 65cm from top 18/108 VJD3188
904744 Adhesive Aperture Drape 120x150cm, ap. 5x7cm, 65cm from top -/105 -
900082 Adhesive Aperture Drape 150x165cm, ap. 5x7cm, 60cm from top -/80 -
900083 Adhesive Aperture Drape 150x180cm, ap. 5x7cm, 60cm from top -/75 -
968800 Adhesive Aperture Drape 150x255cm, ap. 8cm, 75cm from top -/40 -
  Epidural Drape    
906540 Adhesive Aperture Drape 60x75 cm, ap. 6x9.5cm 50/300 VJD1578
904741 Adhesive Aperture Drape 60x75 cm, ap. 6x9,5cm -/320 -
  Variable Adhesive Aperture Drape    
706620 Adhesive Aperture Drape variable 50x75cm 40/240 VJD1551
970662 Adhesive Aperture Drape variable 50x75cm -/400 -
706630 Adhesive Aperture Drape variable 75x100cm 30/180 VJD1552
970663 Adhesive Aperture Drape variable 75x100cm -/180 -
970664 Adhesive Aperture Drape variable 90x75cm -/120 -
71950 Adhesive Aperture Drape variable 50x50cm -/720 -
  Aperture Drape with Incise Film    
1272 Adhesive Aperture Drape 100x114cm, incise 8x19cm -/32 VJD3778
9572 Adhesive Aperture Drape 100x114cm, incise 8x19cm -/117 -
  Adhesive Aperture Drape Barrier Flex    
75014 Adhesive Aperture Drape 200x240cm, apertured incise 6x8cm -/28 -
61340 Adhesive Aperture Drape 200x300cm, apertured incise 12x16,5 cm 11/22 VJD3451
71340 Adhesive Aperture Drape 200x300cm, apertured incise 12x16,5 cm -/30  
  Aperture Drape with Aperture Incise Film    
84521200 Adhesive Aperture Drape 120x150cm, ap. incise 7,5cm, wrapped 22/44 VJD3237
924407 Adhesive Aperture Drape 120x150cm, ap. incise 7,5cm -/70 -
84551230 Adhesive Aperture Drape 75x100cm, ap. incise 6x12cm, wrapped 20/120 VJD3924
  Aperture Drape    
906544 Aperture Drape 50x60cm, ap. 6x8cm 75/300 VJD954
904736 Aperture Drape 50x60cm, ap. 6x8cm -/900 -
910176 Aperture Drape 150x150cm, ap. 10x14cm -/48 -
956923 Aperture Drape 150x175cm, ap.13x17cm -/35 -
957961 Aperture Drape 75x175cm, ap. 9x15cm -/120 -


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